May 19, 2018

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Aftercare

Written by Dr Kate Jameson

preparing prp

Thank you for attending Youth Lab for your Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) treatment. Please take the time to carefully read your post-treatment instructions below.


  • Avoid any heat-inducing activities for 24 hours.
  • Do not perform strenuous exercise for 24 hours. 
  • Avoid pressure on the area for 48 hours (i.e. avoid face-down massages).
  • Do not massage the treatment area unless instructed to do so.
  • Avoid alcohol for 24 hours.
  • Avoid active cosmeceutical products (AHAs, retinol, vitamin C) for 24 hours.
  • Do not apply oil-based makeup for 24 hours. 
  • Use a topical treatment to soothe the skin such as Bepanthen or Arnica cream.
  • Avoid facial treatments for 2 weeks (including facials, waxing, chemical peels, skin needling, Hydrafacial, IPL or laser)
  • Avoid blood thinning medication such as Aspirin & Ibuprofen for 7 days (unless medically necessary)


The listed below are all normal side effects and should self resolve within a few days. 

  • Swelling, significant in some cases
  • Redness 
  • Tenderness 
  • Bruising 
  • Lumps 


There may be swelling in the treated area. This is a normal result of the injections and will generally disappear within a few days. PRP to the eyes can cause significant swelling due to the volume of PRP injected, this is normal. 

If symptoms persist for over 7 days or other reactions occur, please contact the clinic. Swelling may appear asymmetrical, this is normal. 

Swelling Relief

  • Apply a cool compress to the area for 10 minutes every hour on treatment day.
  • Take an antihistamine (e.g. 10mg loratadine)
  • Try sleeping on your back, slightly elevated, to prevent pressure build-up on the face 


Bruising is a common and expected side effect with any injectable treatment. Bruising is not due to poor technique and will not alter the final result of your treatment. In order to reduce bruising it is important to adhere to the aftercare regime.

Bruising Relief 

  • Avoid any medications containing NSAIDs, aspirin, vitamin E and ginseng for the week prior and the week following treatment, unless medically necessary and after discussion with your doctor/nurse.
  • Apply a cool compress to the area for 10 minutes every hour on treatment day.
  • Apply topical Arnica or Hirudoid cream to the affected area. 

We offer HEALITE II LED treatments for those cases where bruising is severe. 


There may be small lumps, these generally disappear as the PRP integrates into the skin over the days after treatment. Please contact the clinic if they do not disappear. 

Rarer side effects have been discussed in the consultation process and are not expected with every treatment.

Please contact the clinic on (08) 9324 1604 (West Perth), (08) 9260 6800 (Claremont) or at (08) 9260 6880 (Joondalup) if you have any questions about your treatment or aftercare instructions.


How long until I see results?

Results from PRP injections can take up to 8-12 weeks to become apparent with a natural increase in collagen and elastin. Results are very subtle and gradual. 

A treatment course of 3 treatments every 4-6 weeks is recommended to achieve optimal correction and results. Patients may require multiple treatment sessions to obtain their desired aesthetic outcome. 

How long do PRP results last? 

The results of PRP are long-lasting, but not permanent. Longevity depends on your state of health, smoking status, condition of the skin pre-treatment, indication for treatment and compliance with aftercare. We cannot guarantee the longevity of the results. 

Regular maintenance treatments every 1-2 years are required and essential for long-lasting results.